A Day in the Life of an OutSystems Developer at InnoTech

By InnoTech
October 2, 2023 — Articles, Blog
OutSystems Developer

Explore the dynamic nature of this career and the factors that make it an exciting choice.

Welcome to InnoTech, where the world of OutSystems, renowned for its high-performance low-code platform, embodies our unwavering dedication to delivering projects with agility and excellence. In this interview, we have the privilege of gaining insights from our colleague Leandro Duarte. Join us as we delve into the role of an OutSystems Developer at InnoTech, exploring the dynamic nature of this career and the factors that make it an exciting choice.

Why did you decide to embark on a career in IT and become an OutSystems Developer? Why Developer and why OutSystems?

My professional career has been full of ups and downs and many changes in direction, but there’s been a constant: a passion for challenges. Whenever I thought about changing fields or starting a new training, it was the desire to embark on a new challenge that motivated me. I never allowed myself to think that I couldn’t do “this or that,” just as I never let anyone tell me I couldn’t. The effect was exactly the opposite. The more people told me I couldn’t do something, the more I was determined to reach new heights.

I graduated in Environmental Engineering and found it challenging to break into the job market. I started working in unrelated fields with little career relevance. That’s when in 2019, the opportunity arose to begin training in OutSystems, and I grabbed it with all my might. First, because I always had a strong desire to enter the world of programming, but I never had a real opportunity. Second, because I had heard great things about OutSystems and how much this technology was growing globally. It was the challenge I needed at that moment, and it was the right decision! I would do it all over again if necessary.

What are your responsibilities as an OutSystems Developer at InnoTech?

A Developer, no matter the technology or language, needs to fulfill several requirements to succeed in their career. This includes the relationship with the client and correctly understanding their desires and needs, as well as the knowledge and mastery of the technology in which they develop.

In the case of an OutSystems Developer, meeting these requirements, which we can translate into responsibilities, carries even more weight because the OutSystems platform is constantly evolving. With each new release, there are new features that help Developers achieve their goals. However, it requires an agile mindset to keep up with this evolution.

When we talk about an OutSystems Developer at InnoTech, it takes on an even higher level. InnoTech represents high-quality and high-performance teams that possess both business and technical knowledge in equal measure, which enhances their results in every project.

What do you typically do throughout the day, and with whom do you interact? What do you enjoy most about your role?

As OutSystems Developers, we primarily work with agile methodologies because the OutSystems platform itself was created to be used in accordance with these methodologies. We typically use the Scrum framework to build our products. Throughout the day, we have Scrum events such as the Daily Scrum, where we inspect the work that was done in the last 24 hours to ensure we are on the right track. We also look at the plan for what we will accomplish in the next 24 hours to identify any obstacles. Other Scrum events may occur during the day depending on which part of the Sprint we are in.

Most of the day, a Developer is involved in a task they committed to developing. OutSystems Developers collaborate constantly with each other and with other members of the Scrum Team, such as the Product Owner, who occasionally needs more technical information to detail the Product Backlog and estimate the items to be developed in the upcoming Sprints.

What I enjoy most about my role as an OutSystems Developer is seeing my work being executed very rapidly. All changes we make to the code are quickly visible, which gives us great agility in building and evolving the products we are working on. The platform allows Developers to accelerate programming and produce much more in less time.

In this digital world where remote/flexible work is prevalent, what is the secret to maintaining a team spirit and living the company culture? What makes a high-performing team?

This is a new paradigm and perhaps the great dilemma we face today. “Working remotely and being more present at home with your loved ones but having slower career growth within the company, or working in the office and gaining recognition from colleagues and superiors but spending less time with family?”

Confessionally, the first option makes more sense to me right now, as I have a one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, and I love seeing her come into my “office” to hug me when she comes home from school. However, I recognize that the second option is of utmost importance if you want to grow within the company where you work because only through daily interactions with various colleagues, clients, and superiors can you find the ideal synergy for growth.

Inevitably, remote work limits our interactions to a small group of people. We often spend weeks or months interacting with just a handful of individuals, which can be detrimental to our professional growth. On the other hand, this focused interaction with those we work directly with significantly boosts team performance. We get to know each other even better as a team and recognize each other’s abilities because we are focused on each other without interference from third parties.

The truth is that all of this is still very recent, and what works for one person may not work for another. Whether remote or in person, what we need to do is maintain communication, respect, and openness toward others to get the most out of interpersonal relationships.

What does it take to be a successful OutSystems Developer? And in terms of soft skills what are the most important? What advice would you give to newcomers? What was the most important thing you’ve learned since you started?

For both an OutSystems Developer and any Developer in any technology, the secret to success lies in daily work. This work should include not only the tasks assigned to you in the project but also tasks outside the project, such as training, certifications, and learning about other technologies. If you learn something new every day, even if it’s a small thing, you will have success on that day.

In my opinion, communication is the most important soft skill, and I’m not just talking about people who speak eloquently or can speak in public. I’m talking about people who can convey an idea, people who can teach what they know, but mainly people who can explain in words what they want. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of meeting all kinds of people, and the ones who stood out the most were those who, in addition to their vast knowledge, could transmit and teach others that knowledge. It’s not enough to be a deep expert in something if you can’t share that knowledge. We are social beings who live in communities and professionals who work in teams.

Why is InnoTech an excellent choice for those seeking a career in this area? What has surprised you the most, and what do you value most about the company?

Just as in agile methodologies, where the OutSystems platform exists, InnoTech strives to remain agile to change direction whenever necessary. The company’s structure, organization chart, hierarchy, or whatever you want to call it, was designed in a way that allows for the company’s growth without compromising this agility. By working in this way, InnoTech can provide its employees with an environment conducive to growth and aligned with the latest innovations in the various markets it operates in. Changes are always welcome when they improve the daily lives of employees, interpersonal relationships, and professional growth.

Regarding a career as an OutSystems Developer, InnoTech proposes the creation of High-Performance Squads. These are multifunctional teams with specialized professionals working 100% dedicated to specific projects. When an OutSystems Developer joins InnoTech, they are placed in a team where they can both teach and learn from other team members. That’s where the magic happens! If I’m a backend specialist, for example, there will be a team member who specializes in frontend. If I have a deep knowledge of SQL, another team member may be more familiar with .NET or C#. At the end of the day, we can deliver a complete, turnkey product. Over time, these frequent collaborations will shape highly qualified professionals.

How do you manage the work-life balance, and what do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I tend to keep a routine and avoid breaking it with all my might. This provides predictability and increases the agility with which I perform my tasks. Over time, I reach a level of performance so high that I have time for matters outside of work. Another way to make time for family at the end of the day is to stay focused during the workday. Eliminating distractions is essential for meeting deadlines and identifying quality non-conformities. Dedicate your work time to work, and you won’t have any problems leaving early on Fridays to take your family out.

Speaking of spending time with family, that’s one of the things I enjoy most. Traveling, experiencing new cultures, meeting new people, and providing my family with new experiences top my list of things to do when I’m not working. Seeing my daughter delight in eating an apple straight from the tree is a spectacular memory that always brings a smile to my face. After all, our existence after parenthood is all about creating memories.


Come re-imagine technology with us!

If you’re interested in a career as an OutSystems Developer and want to be part of a team dedicated to exciting projects, continuous growth, and ongoing learning, InnoTech is the place for you. We believe in the power of teamwork, the relentless pursuit of excellence, and creating innovative solutions for our clients. Join us on this thrilling journey and help shape the future of technology. Your next adventure starts here!

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